Tartib (Sequential)
The Salat must be recited in the following sequence: Takbiratul Ihram, Qira’at, Ruku’, Sujud, and in the second Rak’at after Sujud, Tashahhud must be recited, and in the final Rak’at, after the Tashahhud, the Salam must be recited.
Muwalat (Succession)
- Muwalat means that each action must be performed one after the other without a gap between the actions.
- If someone places such a gap between the actions of Salat, that it would not be said one is reciting Salat, then the Salat will become void.
- Extending the Ruku’ and Sujud and reading longer Surahs of the Qur"an, do not break the Muwalat of the Salat.